A Detailed Guide on Using ChatGPT to Boost SEO and Beat Your Competition


SEO is a powerful tool for attracting new customers. Optimising a website to rank higher in search results pays huge dividends. If you are new to SEO, read my beginner guide to ranking higher in Google.

ChatGPT is one of the greatest innovations in recent history. It unlocks the power of Artificial Intelligence for general use. It has many powerful uses to enhance a small business.

In this article, I explore the ways ChatGPT can aid business websites to rank higher on Google. At each stage, I provide five ChatGPT prompts for you to help improve your SEO.

Create Website Content Ideas Using ChatGPT

SEO is about optimising website content. That is no use if there is no content to optimise. Coming up with ideas for content can be tough and time-consuming. ChatGPT is a great help. It is a powerful brainstorming assistant. It can streamline the ideation process and lays strong foundations for your content. Let's go deeper into how it can do this.

Finding the Right Content for a Business

We want to create content that customers engage with and find useful. For that reason, figuring out the right content to make is vital. It involves choosing the correct medium, style and channel. 

ChatGPT can help with all those things. It examines what has been successful before with similar businesses and compares that with current trends. It uses these findings to make bespoke suggestions.

Content Ideation

One of the more difficult tasks with SEO is brainstorming content ideas. ChatGPT finds this task effortless. Tell it the type of content you want to make, what it is about and who it is for. Then, watch as it generates ideas, titles and outlines based on your requirements.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is essential for SEO. Unfortunately, it is also time-consuming. ChatGPT expedites the process. Supply it with a single phrase and ask it to generate keyword variations based on your niche's current search trends. Voila!

Content Scheduling

Scheduling is a major part of content creation. A regularly updated website prompts search engines to crawl it more often. That makes new content index quicker, improving search engine performance. ChatGPT can generate a bespoke content schedule ready to export to any calendar you use.

5 ChatGPT Prompts for Planning Website Content

  1. “Suggest the best content to start creating for my [specific industry/niche] business. The content must build awareness of my services and capabilities to potential clients. Include long-form and short-form content types and the ideal channel for each.” – Finding the Right Content
  2. “Brainstorm five engaging blog post topics for [specific industry/niche]. They must address common questions and pain points of my target audience. Ensure the topics are SEO-friendly and likely to rank well on search engines.” – Content Ideation
  3. “Identify fifteen high-potential keywords for my [specific industry/niche] website. Provide a mix of short-tail and long-tail keywords. Include their search volume and competition level.” – Keyword Research
  4. “Suggest a list of relevant keywords to target in blog posts about [specific topic or service]. Include keyword variations and long-tail keyword ideas.” – Keyword Research
  5. “Create a three-month content calendar for my [specific industry/niche] website. Include blog post topics, publication dates, and suggested keywords for each post. The content must ensure consistent SEO improvement.” – Content Scheduling

Content Creation with ChatGPT

Now we have looked at how ChatGPT helps you with ideation, it is time to look at generating content.

Writing Content with ChatGPT

ChatGPT will write copy for any part of your website. Tell it the copy's purpose and its SEO parameters. Seconds later, it produces your new copy ready for you to edit and adapt.

Editing Content with ChatGPT

Like any human writer, ChatGPT rarely writes a perfect first draft. You must take on the role of Editor. Give it feedback and watch your ChatGPT writer refine the content to fit your needs.

Optimising Content with ChatGPT

SEO is an umbrella term for many things. Depending on what part of SEO you are focusing on, ChatGPT can optimise for that. From local SEO to voice search, ChatGPT can aid you with any optimisation you want.

Enhanced Social Media Integration

Imagine you have a new blog post. You want to promote it on LinkedIn and Twitter. ChatGPT can read the article and write a post for each platform. Each post is uniquely based on the optimal messaging style for those platforms. Doing so sends more traffic to your post and a positive signal to search engines.

5 ChatGPT Prompts for Creating Website Content

  1. “Write a thousand-word blog post on the topic '[specific topic relevant to your industry/niche]'. Include the following keywords: '[list keywords]'. Ensure the content is engaging and informative.” – Writing Content
  2. “Generate a detailed outline for a blog post on '[specific topic relevant to your industry/niche]'. Include suggested headings, subheadings, and key points to cover. Also, provide a list of keywords to target within the post.” – Writing Content
  3. “Review and edit the following blog post for clarity, readability, and SEO optimisation. The target audience has limited technical knowledge so limit jargon. Ensure proper use of headings, bullet points, and keyword placement. '[paste your draft content here]'” – Editing Content
  4. “Provide suggestions to optimise my existing blog post titled '[blog post title]'. Focus on improving on-page SEO elements. Focus especially on keyword density, meta descriptions, internal linking, and header tags.” – Optimising Content
  5. “I am promoting my latest blog post on '[blog post topic]' to drive traffic to my website. Create five engaging social media posts for [social media platform]. Catchy headlines, relevant hashtags, and a strong call to action are essential.” – Integrating Social Media

How to Keep Your Website Relevant with ChatGPT

Search engines look for the best and most relevant information to return to their users. Any outdated or irrelevant content on your website works against SEO. ChatGPT helps you stay on top of outdated website content. Here's how.

Updating and Refreshing Content

ChatGPT possesses a powerful research capability. It helps us improve and update our content to make it more detailed, relevant and useful.

Recently, I updated a blog post about browser cookies and data privacy to be relevant for 2024. I used ChatGPT to read the 2023 version and similar high-ranking articles. It found new subject areas to include to make it the most detailed article possible.

Creating Evergreen Content

Evergreen content is about timeless topics. It does not need updating no matter what technology or trends evolve. ChatGPT knows how to find these topics in every niche and suggest ways to deliver them.

Repurposing Content

Let’s say you write a blog post for your website. You can ask ChatGPT to repurpose that content for other channels. You could ask it to convert it to a TikTok video script or bullet points for an Instagram Carousel.

It uses the latest data and trends to adapt your content to what works best on your chosen channels.

5 ChatGPT Prompts for Keeping Website Content Relevant

  1. “Review my blog post on '[specific topic]' and suggest updates to ensure it remains relevant in 2024. Focus on incorporating new data, recent trends, and updated keywords.” – Updating and Refreshing Content
  2. “Identify the top-performing blog posts on my website. Provide a strategy to update each one to boost their rankings and relevance. On each, use current information, new insights, and improved SEO techniques.” – Updating and Refreshing Content
  3. “Generate a detailed outline for an evergreen blog post on '[specific topic in your industry/niche]'. Ensure the content will remain relevant and valuable to readers over the long term. Focus on foundational concepts and timeless advice.” – Creating Evergreen Content
  4. “Create five evergreen blog post ideas for my [specific industry/niche]. Address common questions or problems my audience faces. Include suggested titles, brief outlines, and relevant keywords for each idea.” – Creating Evergreen Content
  5. “Suggest ways to repurpose my existing blog post titled '[blog post title]'. Use different content formats like infographics, videos, and social media posts. Include specific ideas for each format to increase engagement and reach.” – Repurposing Content

Use ChatGPT to Improve Your Website’s Technical SEO

Much of SEO goes on behind the scenes. Off-page SEO and Technical SEO can still benefit from ChatGPT. It has the power to examine a site's technical performance and offer insights on improvements. Here are some examples of how it does this.

Site Audit

ChatGPT can create a comprehensive audit checklist for your SEO performance. It finds the latest guidance and best practices. It leaves no stone unturned so you can make the most of your content.

Structured Data and Schema Markup

The Structured Data Schema is ambiguous. It can be hard to interpret. ChatGPT finds it easy. It can read your website and suggest bespoke structured data snippets.

5 ChatGPT Prompts for Improving Technical SEO

  1. “Create a comprehensive SEO audit checklist to identify my website's technical SEO issues. Include checks for broken links, site speed, mobile optimisation, and duplicate content.” – Site Audit
  2. “Generate JSON-LD code snippets for structured data to improve my website’s SEO. Include schema markup for articles, products, and local business information.” – Structured Data and Schema Markup
  3. “Provide a detailed guide to optimise my website’s loading speed. Include tips for image optimisation, leveraging browser caching, and reducing server response time.” – Site Audit
  4. “Suggest best practices to optimise my website for mobile users. Include recommendations for responsive design, touch-friendly navigation, and mobile-friendly formatting.” – Site Audit
  5. “How can I improve my website’s crawlability and indexability? I want to create an XML sitemap, optimise my robts.txt and fix crawl errors.” – Site Audit

Enhancing User Engagement with ChatGPT

User engagement on a website has a profound effect on SEO. The main goal of search engine algorithms is to promote websites that are most useful to users. That means having the best information and user experience. ChatGPT has many ways to help improve your user experience and engagement creating a positive spillover effect for your SEO.


Chatbots have seen a massive boost in popularity over the past year. ChatGPT is at the forefront of that rise. 

ChatGPT can create a Chatbot for your website. The chatbot helps users navigate your content and find what they need. The user interactions aid SEO by increasing the time users spend on a site and reducing bounce rates.

Interactive Content

When users interact with a site, they spend more time on it. When that interaction makes their life easier or more fun, they return to the site.

ChatGPT can help to create interactive content like quizzes, surveys and calculators. These can improve user experience and enhance user engagement.

5 ChatGPT Prompts for Improving User Engagement

  1. “Create a plan to add ChatGPT-powered chatbots to my website. Outline how they can assist visitors, answer FAQs, and guide users through the site. I want to enhance engagement and improve SEO.” – Chatbots
  2. “Generate ideas for interactive content to increase user engagement on my website. Include specific topics and formats that align with my audience’s interests.” – Interactive Content
  3. “Suggest ways to personalise user experiences on my website using ChatGPT. Provide examples of how personalised content or product recommendations improve engagement and retention.” – Personalised Content
  4. “I want to improve my SEO performance and reach. Suggest ways to integrate my social media posts and website content to do this.” – Social Media Engagement
  5. “Create a survey or feedback form to gather insights from website visitors. Outline questions to help understand user preferences, satisfaction levels, and areas for improvement.” – Interactive Content

Analyse and Improve Website Performance with ChatGPT

Website analytics is crucial for making informed decisions about content. ChatGPT can interpret your website data and combine it with general internet trends. This process can help you develop strategies to improve your SEO performance.

Analytics Insights

Most business websites use some form of analytics. Understanding how users interact with a site shows which parts work and which do not. ChatGPT can make the following analyses and generate SEO strategies accordingly.

Competitor Analysis

Much of SEO is about replicating what others do well. ChatGPT can provide insight into our competitor's success. Then, it can produce strategies to emulate and outperform them.

SEO Trends Analysis

ChatGPT stays updated on every change to search engine algorithms. We can ask it for current trends and advice on the approach to website content creation.

Content Performance Prediction

ChatGPT can analyse historical data about different types of content. It uses that data to predict how well future content might perform. Those predictions inform which content to prioritise.

5 ChatGPT Prompts for Analysing Website Content

  1. “Interpret my website analytics data and provide insights into key SEO performance metrics. Include recommendations on improving organic traffic, bounce rates, and average session duration.” – Analytics Insights
  2. “Conduct a competitor analysis for my industry using ChatGPT. Identify top-performing competitors. Then, analyse their content strategies and suggest ways to improve my SEO.” – Competitor Analysis
  3. “Update me on the latest SEO trends and algorithm updates relevant to my industry. Provide insights on emerging trends and how I can use them for my SEO content strategy.” – SEO Trends Analysis
  4. “Predict the performance of the following blog post. Use historical data and current SEO trends. Include suggestions on optimising the content structure, keywords, and promotion strategy. [Paste blog post link]” – Content Performance Prediction
  5. “Provide strategies for optimising my website content for voice search. Help me incorporate natural language and answer common questions. I want to structure content to align with voice search queries.” – Voice Search Optimisation

Conclusion: ChatGPT enhances you. It does not replace you.

ChatGPT has the power to propel your SEO performance to new heights. Please remember that AI is an extension of human intelligence, not a replacement for it.

Search engines are ever more capable of detecting AI-generated content. For optimal use of ChatGPT, treat it as the assistant, not the leader.

AI should only support your website content creation. The final filter for your content should always be a human. Doing so maintains the personality, tone of voice, and soul of your content. Losing those things means you risk losing the thing that gained your audience in the first place. That could be disastrous for your brand.